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3 Tips For Worship Leaders During The Creative Process

If you're a worship leader, you are probably involved in the creative process at your church. Worship leaders love to create things - from songwriting to set list planning to creating special elements in your services. You might have noticed by now that CREATING things isn't always easy. There's a lot of struggle in the process. There's trial and error but in the end it's worth it. What if there were a few simple things you could do to make the process easier and less stressful?

Here are 3 tips for worship leaders during the creative process:

1 | Don't start with a blank page - give yourself a template to work from

Whatever you create, don't create it ex nihilo (that's for all you theology nerds out there ;)). You don't have to create something from nothing every time you create. The best way to create is to give yourself a FRAMEWORK to work from. Create a skeleton of the general concept you have and fill in the pieces. There's nothing more intimidating than an empty page. So, put something on it before you ever start the creative process.

For example, if you're writing a song, don't just start writing lyrics down. Take the time to write out headings for each section of the song: Verse 1, Chorus 1, Verse 2, Chorus 2, and so on...

2 | Don't judge your creation too early

Now that you've segmented the creative process, don't be tempted to judge your creation too early. Often times, we get stuck working on verse 1 trying to make it perfect and we never get past it! Don't worry about perfecting things - you will never make something that's perfect. Write your idea down - no matter how bad it is - and move on to the next section. You can always come back and edit later.

3 | Done is better than perfect

Finally, when it comes to completing your creation, remember: done is better than perfect. Don't view your creative process as a one time event but, instead, a journey that takes place over the course of your life. Each creative process is a chance to get better. You will never improve if you spend your whole life trying to perfect one thing! So, create as many things as possible and you will slowly get better over time.

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