Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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How to Prepare for Distractions While Leading Worship

Have you ever gotten distracted while leading worship and missed a chord or a lyric? Maybe it was that screaming baby in the front row. Or those kids in the back of the church playing tag. Or that lady who randomly brought a tambourine to church last Sunday.

Here's a quick practical tip on how you can prepare for seemingly random distractions:

Practice leading worship while distracted

How do you do that? Play through your set list while listening to something else. Turn on a Youtube video. Listen to a podcast. Watch a TV show.

This is legitimately the best way to prepare for distractions because it helps you build the ability to tune things out. Playing through your set list while trying to listen to your favorite podcast is difficult the first few times you try it. But, after a few times, you start to build the skill of tuning distractions out. This translates to your worship leading time. The more you practice the less distracted you will be.

Try it out!