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I inherited a BAD worship team member! Help! (Video)

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I hear it all the time: “I inherited a horrible worship team member. Help!”

Whether you’ve recently started at a new church or implemented new expectations for your worship team, sometimes we get stuck with team members who aren’t living up to our expectations.

The question is: what do you do with someone who is already on the team? And how do you handle the situation with GRACE?

What do you do with someone who can’t sing OR has a bad attitude OR always shows up late to rehearsal OR (fill in the blank with your problem du jour).

Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "I inherited a BAD worship team member!"⁠

In the video, I'll share with you a step-by-step process for dealing with bad worship team members that you’ve inherited. It’s a system that doesn’t just instantly kick them off of the team but graciously gives them plenty of opportunities to improve.

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