Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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One Year Of Leading Worship Well!

Exactly 365 days ago, I made a commitment to myself to write and post one worship leading tip every single day for the next 365 days. That's right! Today marks one year of Leading Worship Well!

I'm so thankful for each and every one of you! Thanks for the encouragement along the way. Thanks for reading and sharing your ideas. I'm so grateful that I didn't have to do this alone and made some awesome friends along the way.

I've got some big plans for Leading Worship Well this coming year. I can't wait to share them with you! For now, let's keep the tips coming!

Here are 3 things I learned after a year of Leading Worship Well:

1 | Every church is different and that's okay

I've met so many different worship leaders over the course of this year and what I've come to realize is - no two churches are exactly the same. It's amazing to hear all of the different things you all are doing in your ministries. This community is made up of people from different denominations, different sized churches, and different countries. In the end, we all do things a little different and we can all learn from each other!

2 | Commitment to small things over time leads to big results

The biggest thing this past year has shown me is that committing to one small act over a long period of time produces huge results. For Leading Worship Well, that meant posting 2,200 character long worship leading tips. At the end of the year, that added up to 101,228 words - 6,561 sentences - and 240 pages of text!

So I've got to ask you the question: what's one small thing that, if you did it consistently over the next year, would have a huge impact on your ministry?

3 | Goals are important

Goals show us that we've progressed. Goals give us something to aim for. Goals guide us when we don't know what to do in the moment. There were plenty of times over the past year where I didn't really feel like writing a post or didn't even really know what to say - but I had made a commitment. I had set a goal and I was going to reach it. What's the goal you need to set for your ministry that will guide you when you feel stuck?

Here's to another year - keep leading worship well!