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Saturday Challenge - Ask Someone To Help You

I challenge you to ask someone to help you tomorrow.

Have you ever been doing something on a Sunday morning and somebody asked you: "Hey! Do you need help with that?" And, if you're like me, you quickly respond: "No. That's alright. I've got it!"

Why are we so quick to answer that way? Maybe because of pride - we don't want to look like we can't do it ourselves. Maybe because it's easier for us to just do it alone. Maybe because we stink at delegating because we think we can do it better than someone else can.

But the truth is: there is POWER in simply asking someone to help you. Even when you don't need help... especially when you don't need help!

You see, moments of serving together create opportunity for conversation.

Jesus knew this. That's why he asked the woman at the well to get water for him. He didn't NEED her help but he asked for it anyways.

We typically only think of doing ministry as serving people BUT ministry is also serving WITH people.

When you're at church tomorrow morning, find an opportunity to ask someone to help you - whether you need it or not!