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Saturday Challenge - Take A Step Back

We all have those areas of ministry that are hard to let go of. And so what happens? You might have put people in "charge" of them but you haven't let go of it yet. You still adjust the soundboard after the sound tech walks away from it for a second. You still double check the slides even though the person who created them hasn't made a mistake in the past 2 years. You still check to make sure the bathrooms are clean even though you have a team of people who faithfully clean the church every week.

I challenge you to take a step back from an area of ministry that you have been hovering over for too long. Actually trust that the people you have put in place to accomplish that task have the ability to do it correctly.

By the way, that's one of the steps you have to take if you want your ministry to outlast you. It's a way you can replace yourself. At some point, you've got to be willing to trust the people who will replace you. In fact, I wrote about this process earlier this week. Check out my post "3 Ways To Replace Yourself As A Worship Leader!"