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Worship Leaders, What Your Job Isn't

Have you ever felt unsuccessful after a Sunday morning? Maybe it was because you were trying to fulfill a job that wasn't your responsibility. It's easy to get sucked into the idea that we are the ones that make things happen on Sunday mornings. After all, we're the ones praying the prayers and singing the songs. But what if you stopped trying to fulfill responsibilities that don't belong to you in the first place?

Here are 3 things that aren't your responsibility when you lead worship:

1 | Cheerleader

It's not your job to coerce people into worshiping. If people don't want to worship God, they won't. You may be able to get them to do certain actions that resemble worship: singing, clapping, bowing their heads, etc. But it will only be a physical response - not a spiritual one. It's the Holy Spirit's job to change the heart of the people that you're leading.

2 | Rock Star

It's not your job to be a rock star when you lead people. Don't sacrifice clarity for art. Sunday morning isn't a place to promote your new album or show off your impressive vocal skills. It's not the place for sweep picking (no matter how tempting it might be). It's a time to lead your church in praising and encountering God. 

If you aren't a rock start on Sunday mornings, that means you are simply a member of the church who is serving. So get out the green room - or out of your worship team clique and interact with the people you are going to be leading. You are a member of the church after all - not just someone who shows up and plays on Sunday mornings.

3 | "Making things happen"

It's not your job to do what only God can do. There is no perfect combination of words you can say that will make someone believe in Jesus. Only God can do that. There is no perfect song that you can sing that will "usher someone into the presence of God." Only Jesus can do that. There is no perfect prayer you can pray that will instantly soften someone's heart. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. 

Which of these 3 jobs do you struggle with trying to fulfill the most? Let us know in the comments below!