Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Worship Leaders, Your Age Doesn't Matter

Over the past month of starting Leading Worship Well, I've had numerous messages from young worship leaders. These leaders have expressed their feelings that they aren't making an impact or aren't being utilized to their full potential. Let's set the record straight: YOUR AGE DOESN'T MATTER!

God has a plan for you and he has specifically placed you in the position that you're in for a reason. So, embrace the season. Learn as much as you possibly can and look (and wait) for the opportunities God presents to you.

It's really all about patience. I think back on my journey as a worship leader. I started playing in a worship team at the age of 14. It wasn't until I was 22 that I became a full-time worship pastor. That's an 8 year wait and I consider that a fast track when it comes to worship leadership. 

Not only should you embrace the season but look to make an impact where God has placed you. Do you think you're too young? David was 13 when he defeated Goliath. Do you think you're too old? Abraham was 100 when he had his first child.

Patience is the key. We view things in terms of weeks. God, the One who exists outside of time, views things in terms of decades.

Practice patience and seek God's timing.