The secret method for creating your own
ADVANCED guitar arrangements…


A step-by-step system for UNDERSTANDING advanced guitar chords, CREATING your own, and IMPLEMENTING them into any song ever written!


The Beginner’s Guide To ADVANCED Guitar Chords

(This course is for guitar players who can confidently play the advanced arrangements
on the Leading Worship YouTube channel and want to create their own.)


I saw my favorite guitar player using chords
I had never seen before in my entire life…

I remember thinking to myself, “How does he do that? I don’t even know what that chord is!”

I rewound the YouTube video of the live version of one of my favorite songs my guitar hero was performing and paused it on a close-up camera angle of his fretboard. Yep… that wasn’t a standard G chord. That was something else.

Grabbing my guitar, I did my best to take note of where his fingers were:

  • 10th fret on the A string

  • 9th fret on the D string

  • open G string

  • 8th fret on the B string.

I put all of that together…


It looked like a C chord that he had slid half-way up the guitar neck.

I placed my fingers in the right place on my own fretboard, and strummed - It sounded great! But… I had no idea what I was playing. It was just a random collection of notes.

I had to figure out what this chord was…

So, I hopped back on YouTube and typed the terrifying words, “music theory” into the search bar.

After scrolling past a few videos that I could tell were going to be boring, I found a seemingly-wise guitarist (an assumption I made based on his graying hair) and clicked on his video.

The ad for shaving cream played and then I heard a scratchy voice promise, “I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about music theory in less than 10 minutes.” Sounds good to me!

I sat there and watched the whole video three times in a row and realized…

…I’ve learned absolutely nothing!

I’m sure this seasoned rocker knew what he was talking about (he certainly acted like he did) but it was all WAY over my head: Diminished chords, root notes, augmented 7ths, tonic chords? Those words all sounded like a foreign language to me.

I tried a few more YouTube videos and found more of the same teaching.

“I guess I have to figure this out on my own!”

I spent the next month or so combing through a few more YouTube videos and blog posts trying to get a basic understanding of music theory. I found a few helpful sites and, although I learned a little bit, it wasn’t specifically guitar-related and it didn’t answer my question: “What in the world is this chord!?”

But through that month long education process I learned just enough to finally discover the answer.


My month long music theory journey taught me that chords are made up of notes. If I can figure out the notes I’m playing, I can figure out the chord.

Let’s see…:

  • 10th fret on the A string - that’s a G note…

  • 9th fret on the D string - that’s a B note…

  • Open G string - G note…

  • 8th fret on the B string - that’s another G note…

I put that all together and… 🎉Ta-da! 🎉


It was a G chord all along!

So was I finally an ADVANCED guitarist
just like my guitar hero?

Well… not quite.

It still took me 3 or 4 more years of learning music theory and figuring out how to apply it to my playing before I considered myself advanced. That’s when I was finally able to start arranging some of the ADVANCED worship guitar tutorials you’ve probably seen on my YouTube channel.

In those ADVANCED worship guitar tutorials, I take everything I’ve learned over my years of guitar playing and use it to create interesting, innovative ways to lead worship songs on solo acoustic guitar. I utilize advanced guitar chords, harmonics, and other advanced playing techniques I’ve picked up over the years to achieve the arrangements’ unique sounds.

Since then, I’ve been able to help 100s of other guitarists learn what I’ve learned. And because I went through the same struggles they were going through - I was able to help them become an advanced guitarist in a fraction of the time it took me to get there.

And I want to help you become an ADVANCED guitarist too!



A step-by-step process for UNDERSTANDING advanced guitar chords, CREATING your own, and IMPLEMENTING them into any song ever written!

Are you ready to become an ADVANCED guitarist and create your own ADVANCED guitar arrangements?

I know how difficult it is move to the NEXT LEVEL in your guitar playing.

You finally reach a point where you can comfortably play most songs (especially when they’re worship songs).

You know all the basic chords. You can read a chord chart. You know how to play a C and a G and an Em and a D (and pretty much any other chord you want to play).

So… you get comfortable and you settle for where you’re at.

You don’t even know what you need to focus on if you wanted to improve your guitar playing anyway.

It seems like there are an unending amount of things you could learn:

  • Scale shapes

  • Major 7, augmented 9th, and diminished chords

  • Sweep picking, hybrid picking, and fingerpicking

  • Music theory (Boring!)

  • Alternative tunings (“Is that how I become an ADVANCED guitarist?”)

So, what do you focus on?

Maybe you’ve found a few music theory lessons on YouTube just like I did and tried to understand them. But, at the end, you didn’t really understand how what you learned applies to what you do on guitar.

Maybe you’ve even learned some ADVANCED worship guitar arrangements from the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel. Now you know a few advanced arrangements but you don’t really understand how to implement what you’ve learned into other songs.

So, what would actually help you get to the NEXT LEVEL in your guitar playing?

You don’t need a degree in music theory.

You don’t need to learn how to sweep pick.

You don’t need to understand what makes a Gmaj9(add6) a Gmaj9(add6).

The truth is: you only need a few TANGIBLE pieces of information that you can actually APPLY to your guitar playing.

It’s not about learning a bunch of random guitar playing techniques.

It’s about learning a FEW key pieces of information that most guitarists don’t know.

And that’s why I created The Beginner’s Guide To ADVANCED Guitar Chords…

Time and time again I’ve seen guitarists reach the NEXT LEVEL in their guitar playing by focusing on ONE simple thing: ADVANCED guitar chords.

Why does it work?

It works because, unlike music theory ideas you picked up from some random guy on YouTube, ADVANCED guitar chords are easy to implement into your playing.

Chords serve as the foundation for everything you do as a guitarist.

So, if you LEVEL UP your understanding of guitar chords - you LEVEL UP every other area of your guitar playing.

It’s the easiest and fastest way to reach the NEXT LEVEL in your guitar playing.

Here’s what’s inside The Beginner’s Guide To ADVANCED Guitar Chords

The Beginner’s Guide To ADVANCED Guitar Chords is a step-by-step course to help you fully understand ADVANCED guitar chords (and in turn become an ADVANCED guitarist). By the end of the course, you’ll be able to create your very own ADVANCED guitar arrangements of any song ever written!

Through a series of 30 minute video lessons you’ll learn everything you need to know to UNDERSTAND advanced guitar chords, CREATE your own, and IMPLEMENT them into any song ever written.


Lesson 1 | Advanced Guitar Chords: A Practical Philosophy

Learn the 5 pillars of advanced guitar chords that you can start implementing right away.

In this lesson, you’ll learn the foundation for building your own advanced guitar chords. But it’s not just a bunch of boring music theory. You’ll learn some super practical foundational knowledge that you can use the next time you play guitar.

Lesson 2 | How to CREATE advanced guitar chords out of THIN AIR

Learn the step-by-step process for creating your own advanced guitar chords.

I’ll teach you music theory (don’t worry - it’s only what you absolutely need to know) to get you up and running creating your own crazy guitar chord shapes.

Like this one: C - 8x0087

Or how about this one? D - 10 x 0 0 7 10

After this lesson, you’ll not only understand what those chords are but also how to create your own advanced guitar chords.

Lesson 2 (Part 2) | Find ADVANCED guitar chords FASTER

Learn how to take all the information you’ve learned in the first part of lesson two and apply it in real-time as you play guitar!

I’ll teach you how to create your own advanced guitar chords on the fly by implementing a few simple tricks that let you find advanced guitar chords all over the neck in seconds.

Lesson 3 | How to make your advanced guitar chords MORE ADVANCED

Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about advanced guitar chords… you’ll learn how to take them to another level that you didn’t even know existed.

During my time arranging ADVANCED guitar worship songs for YouTube, I’ve been using a few secret ways to spice up my guitar chords that nobody realizes. In this lesson, I pull back the curtain and teach you all of the ways I’ve been making my guitar chords even MORE advanced.

Lesson 4 | Implementing advanced guitar chords into ANY SONG ever written

Learn how to take everything you’ve learned in the previous lessons and actually apply it to your playing.

All this guitar theory is no fun if you don’t actually know how to use it… In this lesson, I’ll teach you the tangible step-by-step process for taking all the information you now have about advanced guitar chords and using it with any song ever written!

No matter what song you want to turn into an ADVANCED guitar arrangement - you’ll know how to make it happen after this lesson.

Lesson 5 | A case study: Amazing Grace - from beginner to ADVANCED

It’s your turn! Learn the entire process of creating an advanced guitar arrangement from beginning to end.

We’ll walk side-by-side together through a real life example of turning a simple song into an ADVANCED guitar arrangement.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll have your very first ADVANCED guitar arrangement complete and ready to play. From then on, all you need to do is follow the same process for any song you want to play in the future and you’ll now have an infinite amount of ADVANCED guitar arrangements anytime you want to play one!


Want to take a look inside?


I usually teach this material over
12 weeks of in-person guitar lessons

On average, it typically takes 12 weeks worth of guitar lessons for my guitar students to get through these concepts.

The standard rate for an hour long guitar lesson is around $50.
That means the material in this course would normal cost

However, I want to help as many guitar players as possible become advanced guitarists this year.

Not only that: I want to help you become an advanced guitarist in a fraction of the time it normally takes students who meet with me for in-person lessons.

So, I’ve simplified all of the core concepts it takes to understand and implement advanced guitar chords into your playing - making it as easy and as quick as possible to learn. You can easily get through the 6 video lessons in a week and start applying what you’ve learned right away.

250+ Advanced Guitar Chord Library ($47 value)

I’ve also included a huge library of my favorite advanced guitar chords. I’ve compiled all of the chords that I’ve used over the 100 ADVANCED guitar tutorials I’ve arranged, organized them by chord name, and even included some sample chord progressions to get you started.

You can start using them right away.

Plus, once you’re done going through the course, you can use this gigantic library of chords to start creating your own ADVANCED guitar arrangements of all of your favorite songs.

The total value of this material
would normally cost $
647 but…

Between the 12 weeks of guitar lessons ($600 value) and the 250+ advanced guitar chord library ($47 value) - it would normally cost my guitar students $647 to learn how to become an advanced guitarist and create their own advanced song arrangements.

But, like I said, it’s my mission to help as many people as possible level up their guitar playing this year so…

You can get instant access to The Beginner’s Guide To Advanced Guitar Chords for $197!

The Beginner’s Guide To Advanced Guitar Chords

(This course is for guitar players who can confidently play the advanced arrangements
on the Leading Worship YouTube channel and want to create their own.)


Don’t forget: It’s completely risk free!

To make it a no brainer deal - I’m offering a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!

That’s right: start going through the course, check out a few lessons, and if you don’t love what you’re learning - send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked!

When you purchase The Beginner’s Guide
To Advanced Guitar Chords
, you’ll get instant access to:

  • The entire Beginner’s Guide To Advanced Guitar Chords course - 6 video lessons:

    • Lesson 1 | Advanced guitar chords: A PRACTICAL philosophy

    • Lesson 2 | How to create ADVANCED guitar chords out of THIN AIR

    • Lesson 2 (Part 2) | Find advanced guitar chords FASTER

    • Lesson 3 | How to make your advanced guitar chords MORE ADVANCED

    • Lesson 4 | Implementing advanced guitar chords into ANY SONG ever written

    • Lesson 5 | A case study: Amazing Grace from beginner to ADVANCED

  • 250+ Advanced Guitar Chord Library (PDF)

    • Advanced guitar chords from A to G

    • Plus, sample advanced guitar chord progressions in the key of A, B, C, D, E, and G

The choice is yours…

You can keep making small improvements in your guitar playing for the next 10 years - piecing together whatever you can learn through random YouTube videos but never really understanding what you’re playing…

OR you can keep learning the ADVANCED guitar tutorials on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, copying everything I do note for note, but never understanding WHY you’re playing it and, therefore, never being able to apply it to any other songs you want to learn.


You can take the next few weeks, go through The Beginner’s Guide To Advanced Guitar Chords and let me teach you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about becoming an ADVANCED guitarist and creating your own advanced guitar arrangements. Before you know it, you’ll be creating your own awesome advanced guitar arrangements of your favorite songs by the end of the month.

Just learn the simple, practical principles I teach through the course, let me walk alongside you as you learn how to implement them into your everyday guitar playing, and watch your guitar skills explode.

It’s time to level-up your guitar playing. Are you ready?

Let’s do it together 👊,
Spencer Cormany

The Beginner’s Guide To Advanced Guitar Chords

(This course is for guitar players who can confidently play the advanced arrangements
on the Leading Worship YouTube channel and want to create their own.)
