A half-day, no prep ahead of time
worship team workshop that teaches your team
BIBLICAL foundation of Sunday morning worship!


Lead your worship team through a 2-hour workshop that grows their understanding of what worship is, what the goal of corporate worship is, and how to accomplish that goal every week.


Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations
(Virtual Workshop)



Can your worship team members
define the word “worship?”

Have you ever said a word over and over again until it lost its meaning? The more you say it, the less it makes sense.

I fear that’s happened to the word “worship.”

We hear the word “worship” everywhere:

  • There are nights of worship

  • The worship music genre

  • Living a lifestyle of worship

  • At the beginning of our service we say, “Good morning church! Let’s stand and worship together.”

  • The list goes on and on…

In our constant repetition of the word, “worship” has lost it’s meaning.

If a word of lesser importance loses it’s meaning, it’s not that big of a deal. But the word “worship” is of infinite importance because it’s what we were created to do! And it’s what you and your team are called to LEAD every single week.

… that’s why you need to have a clear definition
of worship as the foundation of your worship ministry.

Your worship team members would probably define worship in a bunch of different ways. Some might talk about what you do on Sunday mornings. Others might talk about how their whole lives are worship. Some might call it a style of music.

This exercise reveals that our team does not have a united vision around what they’re trying to accomplish on Sundays.

Imagine if your team knew exactly WHAT they were trying to accomplish as they led your church and HOW to accomplish it. Your team could rally around that common goal and work as one united team.

So, how can your team find the answers to these questions and come to an agreement about what worship is?

The best definition for worship is the
definition straight out of the BIBLE.

God doesn’t make us guess what worship is… He tells us in His Word!

God has revealed to us exactly what He is looking for when we gather as a church on Sunday mornings.

And while having a common definition/goal for worship is powerful for your team, it’s even MORE powerful when that definition is based in what the Bible says about worship.

That’s why I created
Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations!


A half-day workshop that teaches your team what worship is,
what the goal of corporate worship is, and how to accomplish that goal every week!


Here’s what’s inside the workshop…

Worship Leading Foundations is a 2-hour worship team workshop.

Through the provided training videos, your team will have the chance to learn all of the foundational theology of worship they need to consistently lead your church well on Sunday mornings.

Here’s an outline of the workshop:

Session 1 | What Is Worship?

Starting from a bird’s-eye-view, the first session covers a Biblical survey of “worship”
and ends with defining what the goal of CORPORATE worship is.


In session 1, your team will learn:

  • The importance of defining the word “worship” - because we were SAVED to worship and we are called to LEAD worship as worship team members

  • 3 Biblical understandings of worship:

    • Worth-ship (to ascribe value to God)

    • Hebrews 13:15-16 (worship must first start in our heart and then overflow into external actions)

    • 2 Greek New Testament words for worship - Proskuneo (to bow) and Latreuo (to serve)

  • A Biblical definition of the word “worship:” Worship is a treasuring of God above all other things that overflows into external acts of glorification.

  • 6 reasons God is worthy of our worship

  • A Biblical definition and goal of CORPORATE worship: glorify God and edify each other.

    • Vertical relationship (Us and God)

    • Horizontal relationship (You, me, and God)

By the end of this session, your team will have a common goal for when they lead worship on Sunday mornings. They’ll know exactly what they’re supposed to be aiming for every week.


Session 2 | How do we lead worship?


Now that your team has a Biblical foundation of worship and corporate worship in place,
it’s time to talk about the practical side of leading worship.

In order to figure out HOW to accomplish what God has called us to do as we lead His church, we have to once again turn to His Word to see the specific things He has told us to do when we gather together.


In session 2, your team will learn:

  • The 7 things God tells us to do when we gather together:

    • Preaching

    • The public reading of Scripture

    • Prayer

    • Offering/Giving

    • Communion

    • Baptism

    • Singing

  • We are ALL worship leaders who point people to the worthiness of God and provide them with the opportunity to respond

  • How proper preparation helps us accomplish our goal

  • The importance of modeling worship while leading worship

  • The necessity of putting our church’s needs before our own

  • How building relationships with the people of our church helps us lead them better

  • How to lead worship even when you aren’t on stage


By the end of the workshop your team will know what worship is, what God calls us to do when we gather together, and how they can help your church accomplish the goal of corporate worship every single week.

Here’s how it works:

I’ve provided everything you need to lead your team through a half-day worship team workshop:

  • Two 45-minute training sessions

  • Discussion questions to help your team unpack what they’ve learned and apply it to your specific worship ministry

  • All the instructions you need to run the perfect worship team workshop

You’ll spend your time watching the two 45-minute training sessions and taking 15-20 minutes to discuss what you’ve learned by working your way through the provided discussion questions.

All in all, the workshop will take you and your team 2-3 hours depending on how you structure your time together.


Here’s a recommended workshop schedule for a Saturday morning workshop:

9:00am-9:15am - Breakfast

9:15am-10:00am - Session 1

10:00am-10:15am - Discussion questions

10:15am-10:30am - Break

10:30am-11:15am - Session 2

11:15am-11:30am - Discussion Questions/Wrap-up/Closing Prayer

All you need to do is provide some food, make sure the workshop videos are downloaded and queued up, and lead your team through the provided discussion questions!


Ready to teach your team a
BIBLICAL understanding of worship?

Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations was specifically created as a low-cost/flexible solution to train your worship team in a Biblical understanding of worship.

You don’t need to prep any content ahead of time. Just download the videos, print off the discussion questions, lead your team in a few discussions, and wrap up with prayer.

You could bring someone in to run a workshop at your church.
That could cost up to

Or you could take your team to a worship conference,
but that could cost you upwards of $100 per person -
$1000 for a 10 person team.

But with Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations you and your team can find a date that works well for everyone to go through the training sessions whenever you want.

You can get instant access to
Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations

Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations
(Virtual Workshop)



Don’t forget: It’s completely risk free!

To make it a no brainer deal I’m offering a 30 day 100% money back guarantee!

I know how important it is to make sure you’re teaching your team solid worship theology. Grab your copy of the training, take the time to watch the sessions, and if you don’t think it would work well for your team - send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately! No questions asked!

Want to take another look inside the training?

Here’s what your team will learn:

Session 1 | What is worship:

  • The importance of defining the word “worship”

  • 3 Biblical understandings of worship

  • A Biblical definition of the word “worship:” Worship is a treasuring of God above all other things that overflows into external acts of glorification.

  • 6 reasons God is worthy of our worship

  • A Biblical definition and goal of CORPORATE worship: glorify God and edify each other.

    • Vertical relationship (Us and God)

    • Horizontal relationship (You, me, and God)

Session 2 | How do we lead worship?

  • The 7 things God tells us to do when we gather together

  • We are ALL worship leaders who point people to the worthiness of God and provide them with the opportunity to respond

  • How proper PREPARATION helps us accomplish our goal

  • The importance of modeling worship while leading worship

  • The necessity of putting our church’s needs before our own

  • How building relationships with the people of our church helps us lead them better

  • How to lead worship even when you aren’t on stage

Teach your team a BIBLICAL foundation of worship!

An half-day, no prep ahead of time workshop to teach your team
what worship is, what the goal of corporate worship is, and how to accomplish it every week.


Your purchase comes with instant digital access to the
Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations workshop videos, discussions questions, and workshop instructions guide.




Worship Team Workshop: Worship Leading Foundations
(Virtual Workshop)
