A 15-minute worship team devotional that
generates meaningful discussion and sets your team’s hearts
and minds on the right thing
before they lead worship!


Lead your team through an 8-week, no prep ahead of time devotional designed to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well…


We Are ALL Worship Leaders:
An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams (PDF)


I always knew I should be leading
my worship team in more than just music…

If I wanted to lead my team well, I had to lead them SPIRITUALLY too.

They couldn’t just be ready to play songs on Sunday. They had to be ready to LEAD WORSHIP.

Of course it occurred to me that I should be leading them through a devotional time every week. But that would take a lot of time to prepare in my already busy worship leading schedule.

So, time and time again, I found myself showing up to rehearsal, doing a quick prayer with my team, running through the songs for Sunday, and going home. (I convinced myself that praying was enough to lead them spiritually every week… *eye roll*)

What I really wanted was a way to have a consistent devotional time that would set my team’s hearts and minds on the right things before we led worship.

“Maybe I should buy a worship leading book
and go through it with my team?…
but do we really have time for that?”

I mean our worship rehearsals already take a long time… can I really take another 20 minutes to read through 10 pages of a book every week?

Not to mention it would probably take another 15 minutes to discuss everything we learned.

… no. That wasn’t going to work. I didn’t have an extra 35 minutes during rehearsal.

How about asking my team to read the book OUTSIDE of rehearsal time and come prepared to talk about it?

Hmm… Could I really expect my already busy and over-scheduled team of volunteers to spend their free time outside of rehearsal reading?

… nah. I don’t think they’d go for that either.

Not to mention, if I bought a book I’d have to buy a copy for every worship team member! That would eat into my already limited worship leading budget (which funnily enough looks strangely similar to my personal bank account 😉)

I needed a devotional that was short but had substance.

I looked all over the internet.

I ordered a few devotional books that had a bunch of SHORT devotionals in them. But they were TOO short and lacked the substance I wanted to give my team.

Not to mention they weren’t really written for a worship team. They were just general devotionals for any believer.

I tried them for a few weeks and then decided I was just wasting my team’s time.

I couldn’t find a devotional that was exactly what I needed…
so I wrote one!

I bit the bullet, put in the extra work, and came up with the PERFECT worship team devotional for me and my team’s needs.

If you’re going through the same worship team devotional journey I went through, it’s probably the perfect devotional for YOUR team as well.

I wrote a devotional that had enough substance to lead my team in meaningful discussion AND was also short enough to fit into my worship rehearsal time without my team having to do any work outside of rehearsal.

They could just show up, grab the devotional I printed out for them, read it together, discuss what they learned, and pray together. (It only took 15 minutes!)

Then, we could move onto running through our songs for the week - knowing that our hearts and minds were set on the right things.

… and the best part for YOU is that you don’t have to do any of the heavy lifting because I already wrote the devotional for you. You just have to print it out for your team every week, read it, discuss it, and pray!



An 8-week, no prep ahead of time devotional designed to develop worship team members
who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well…

Here’s what’s inside the devotional…

We Are ALL Worship Leaders is an 8 week devotional.

Each week your worship team will focus on discovering one key change that occurs when you realize that you aren’t just a musician - you are a worship leader.

Here’s an outline of the study:

  • Week 1 - What is a worship leader?

  • Week 2 - When you are a worship leader… you prepare well

  • Week 3 - When you are a worship leader… you put others’ needs before your own

  • Week 4 - When you are a worship leader… you take ownership of what you do

  • Week 5 - When you are a worship leader… people look to you for guidance

  • Week 6 - When you are a worship leader… you get to know the people that you are leading

  • Week 7 - When you are a worship leader… you represent your church on stage and off stage

  • Week 8 - When you are a worship leader… you are always a worship leader

Devotionals consist of two parts:

First - you and your team will work your way through a devotional that teaches a key concept behind the idea that “we are ALL worship leaders.”

Second - after you read the devotional, you and your team will be given a set of questions to reflect on.

This is where the true transformation and learning happens.

These questions will give your team a chance to discuss what they’ve just learned and how it applies to your specific church.

All in all, your devotional time will be about 15 minutes long - 5 minutes of teaching and 10 minutes of discussion (or longer if your team is talkative!).

Want to take a look inside?


We Are ALL Worship Leaders was written specifically
to be read with your worship team
during rehearsal

The problem with the devotionals I tried before is that they weren’t written to be gone through at a worship rehearsal. They were written for a single person to read during their personal devotional time.

So, when we lead our team through these devotionals, it feels like we aren’t getting anything out of them - which, in turn, makes us feel like bad worship team leaders.

But the real problem is simple: it’s not that we don’t know how to lead our team well, it’s that we’ve been trying to match the wrong type of devotional with the wrong application.

There are a TON of great books about worship leading that are fantastic for worship team members to read… on their own time! But that doesn’t mean those devotionals are the right fit when you have a 15-minute slot available during a busy worship rehearsal…

Plus, a full length book is super in depth which means you’ve got 3 or 4 main points per chapter to discuss after you read it. You and your team don’t have time for that.

So what happens?…

You end up thinking to yourself, “I don’t have time to read this book so I won’t do it at all.”


You decided to do it anyways and end up with a long, boring, unproductive devotional time that your team doesn’t get anything out of because there’s too much to digest.

The truth is: they don’t need a ton of information. They just need the RIGHT information.

They need one main point that gets them focused for the worship leading task ahead of them on Sunday.

So, are you going to make sure your
worship team is led well SPIRITUALLY this year?

I know you’ve always had your heart set on doing that… but it’s a lot of extra work. (That’s why I’ve done the work for you! 👊)

You can continue to skip pouring into your team SPIRITUALLY…


You can just read one of these devotionals with your team for the next 2 months and feel confident that you are adequately pouring into your worship team.

That’s how I felt when I decided to take
my team through this devotional.

I wanted a devotional that taught my team something substantial.

More specifically, I wanted a devotional that raised up a group of worship team members who took OWNERSHIP of what they did on the team and started seeing themselves as something more than just musicians.

So I thought to myself, “What’s one simple concept I could teach my team that would help them realize their true role as a worship team member?”

What core idea could I teach them that would develop volunteers who show up PREPARED for rehearsal every week - 100% ready to run through the songs (shortening our rehearsal length in the process!)?

Was there something I could teach them to help them understand they weren’t just there to play music on Sunday but they were there to actually LEAD people in worship?

Then I found it!

Worship team members often think they’re just musicians - that mindset bleeds into everything they do as a team member.

My worship team members needed to realize
they are ALL worship leaders.

Your bassist isn’t just there to hold down the low end.

Your guitarist isn’t just there to strum a few chords.

Your drummer isn’t on the team to just hit things!

They are ALL working in unison through the gifts they’ve been given to point your congregation to the goodness of God and provide them with the opportunity to respond.

So, I wrote the We Are ALL Worship Leaders devotional around that definition of what it means to be a worship leader - a worship leader is someone who points people to the goodness of God and provides them with the opportunity to respond.

If I could get my team to understand that - I knew it would impact every area of what they do as a worship team member. So… I spent the next 8 weeks teaching that concept to my team!

And wow… it worked!

My worship team members now understand their role on Sunday mornings is FAR beyond just playing music.

As a result, they show up prepared and on time because they understand just how important their role is!

In fact, I now take every new worship team member through the We Are All Worship Leaders devotional when they first join my team. It’s a foundational tool for my worship ministry!

Plus, over 200 other worship leaders
have found the same thing to be true…


This was the result when Steve from Cochranton, PA led his team through the devotional…

They got him some sweet wall art with the definition of worship leader from the devotional.

Not only that… but his team ALWAYS uses that definition to define their goal every Sunday.

They always pray that God would help them point people to His goodness and provide the opportunity for their congregation to respond.

And here’s what Briana from Texas had to say…


Are you ready to pour into your team spiritually and
raise up their understanding of what it
means to be a worship leader?

We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams was written SPECIFICALLY for you and your team to use at your worship rehearsal.

You don’t need to do any prep ahead of time. Just print out the devotional for the week, hand it to your team members, read it, discuss it, and wrap up with prayer.

Then, confidently move onto running through your songs for the week - knowing that your team has their hearts and minds set on the right thing!

With other devotionals, you have to buy a separate copy for each team member -
that could cost up to

But with the We Are ALL Worship Leaders PDF, you just have to purchase one copy and you can print out as many copies as you need for your worship team members.

I truly believe in teaching this concept to as many worship teams as possible which is why I made the devotional as affordable as possible.

You can get instant access to the
We Are All Worship Leaders devotional for

We Are ALL Worship Leaders:
An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams (PDF)



Don’t forget: It’s completely risk free!

To make it a no brainer deal I’m offering a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee!

That’s right: start going through the devotional with your team, test it out, and if you don’t love the devotional send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked!

Want to take another look inside the devotional?


Here’s what your team will learn:

  • Week 1 - What is a worship leader?

  • Week 2 - When you are a worship leader… you prepare well

  • Week 3 - When you are a worship leader… you put others’ needs before your own

  • Week 4 - When you are a worship leader… you take ownership of what you do

  • Week 5 - When you are a worship leader… people look to you for guidance

  • Week 6 - When you are a worship leader… you get to know the people that you are leading

  • Week 7 - When you are a worship leader… you represent your church on stage and off stage

  • Week 8 - When you are a worship leader… you are always a worship leader

Teach your worship team to take their role seriously!

An 8 week, no prep ahead of time devotional to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well…


Your purchase comes with instant access to the We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams PDF




The choice is yours…

You can keep running through song after song at worship rehearsal - never really pouring into your worship team spiritually…

OR you can decide it’s time to start incorporating a devotional time into your worship rehearsals but come up with all the teaching material yourself (which takes a lot of time that you don’t have in your busy ministry).


You can use the done-for-you We Are ALL Worship Leaders devotional that requires no prep ahead of time. Just print out the devotional for the week, hand a copy to each team member at rehearsal, read it, and have a meaningful discussion by answering the discussion questions that are provided.

Then, move on to running through your songs for the week knowing that you have poured into your team spiritually and helped them focus on the right things before they lead worship.

Keep leading well 👊,
Spencer Cormany

We Are ALL Worship Leaders:
An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams (PDF)
