3 Benefits Of Embracing Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry
As time moves on in our worship ministry, we have a tendency to make things more complicated.
You know how it goes: you start out small. Then you add one more thing... then another... and another... and so on and so forth until, 5 years later, you've got a jumbled mess of a weekly to-do list, gear that no one really knows how to use, and too many events to plan for.
What if the secret to developing your worship ministry over time was not to simply ADD more?
You see, the secret to developing your worship ministry isn't to just do more. The secret is to identify the things that are truly important and simplify your systems to accomplish them.
Here are 3 benefits of embracing SIMPLICITY in your worship ministry:
1 | Simple = faster
Complex things take longer to do. And this is the reason that many worship leaders burn out over time - they only ever ADD things to their responsibilities.
And when you first start out in worship ministry, it IS good to add things - you need to develop the ministry. But, once you've developed it to a certain point, you've got to transition to REFINING it.
You need to simplify your processes to make them more efficient so that you can accomplish more in less time.
2 | Simple = cheaper
Let's talk about BUDGET and SIMPLICITY.
The simpler something is the cheaper it will be.
And I'm talking about long-term thinking. We've all seen it (and probably done it before) where you could buy the right piece of gear for a job but you decide it's too expensive.
So, instead of buying the right thing, you decide to cobble together your own solution that's cheaper but it uses 16 different parts and ends up failing after a year.
Decide what you're trying to accomplish and implement the simplest solution.
3 | Simple = clearer
Simplicity leads to clarity.
Why? Because for something to become clear, you need to take the time to process it.
Nothing is instantly clear. It takes the process of refining to make an idea clearer. You need to take into account all the different parts and distill them into a clear idea.
Simplicity is good leadership because it means you've taken the time to think about whatever you're in charge of.
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