3 Excuses Worship Leaders Make

Worship leading excuses

Have you ever made an excuse when it comes to worship leading? Sure! We all have. As the saying goes: you can either make excuses or you can make progress. But the first step to making progress is identifying the excuses that you make.

Here are 3 excuses worship leaders make:

1 | My budget isn't big enough

You wish you had that new sound system. Or a new projector. Or in-ears. It's normal to want things you don't have but leaders who lead well don't put that desire ahead of using what they have available to them. Instead of seeing outdated gear as a hindrance, start looking at it as an opportunity.

Not only that, but wanting a bigger budget is a never-ending cycle. You will always want something else and you will never be satisfied with what you have.

Solution: Learn to use what you have to it's fullest potential.

2 | I can't take a Sunday off because no one else can fill my role

You never have any time to rest because no one can do what you do. You're the only one who leads worship or plays guitar or plays bass at your church. You can never take a week off because if you weren't there, the service wouldn't happen. 

Except... maybe you aren't as important as you think you are. In fact, the feeling of never being able to take a Sunday off is a pride issue. You're saying that only you have the ability to fill the role.

Solution: schedule a Sunday off a few months out. Work with your pastor to fill the role. Raise someone up in that time to lead or get someone from outside your church to lead worship. 

3 | I can't memorize my music

You can't memorize your music because "you're not wired that way." It's not easy but it is possible. Take it one step at a time. Memorize one song and play it at rehearsal without music. Do that for a couple weeks and then try leading one song during a Sunday gathering without music. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

What's the most common excuse you hear in worship leading? Let us know in the comments!

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