3 Leadership Lessons from Avengers: Infinity War

Leadership Lessons from Avengers Infinity War

Here are three leadership lessons from Avengers: Infinity War:

1 | We're better together

God designed us to exist in community and to work together. We all have skills that compliment each other and everyone has a place. Some of us can sling webs, some of us built a crazy awesome robotic suit, some of us can manipulate time, and others of us only know how to play the bass .

God has gifted us each uniquely and we can accomplish more when we work together. This isn't just evident in the movie itself but think about the credits at the end of the movie. They seem to go on forever. Thousands of people were involved in the production and they each played their unique role.

In the same way, don't do it alone. Everyone on your worship team fulfills a specific role for a specific reason - help them find that role and encourage them to use their gifts! 

2 | A greater purpose unifies

It turns out that saving the entire universe is a pretty unifying goal. It unifies people of different ages, ethnicities, and belief systems. As the vision was presented - "to save the universe" - all of those differences faded into the background for a greater purpose.

We know we are better together - but how do we get people to work together? Provide a big enough vision that people choose to focus on that rather than what separates them. 

3 | Knowing the outcome makes sacrifices easier

There are an infinite number of outcomes for any situation. It all depends on the choices you make. So how do you choose? One guiding principle is knowing where you want to end up. Knowing where you're heading eliminates at least %50 of the options before you because you can identify that they don't lead to where you want to go.

In addition, that makes sacrificing things easier because you know that in the end it will be worth it.

Where are you leading your worship team and church? Use that answer to guide your decision making.

What have you learned about leadership from the Marvel Universe? Let us know in the comments below!

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