3 Questions To Ask Before You Record A Worship Album
Recording a worship album is more accessible now than ever! You can get started for under $300 (see how at recordingrevolution.com). And the beautiful thing is that churches of all sizes can now afford to record their music.
The question is no longer: Can you record an album? The question now is: Should you record an album?
And simply answered: yes!
But, before you do that, you need to answer a few questions.
Here are 3 questions you need to ask before you record a worship album:
1 | Are you currently serving your church well?
Recording an album takes a lot of time - from writing the songs to recording tracks to mixing and mastering to releasing. There is a lot involved. This process should never usurp your responsibility of serving your church. Make sure you are able to still fulfill your key responsibilities even when you're recording.
2 | Have you written songs?
This seems obvious - duh! You've got to have songs to actually record. But there's been a trend recently where churches release entire albums of cover songs. People can only handle so many covers of Reckless Love, What A Beautiful Name, and Lord I Lift Your Name On High (although I would listen to an EDM version of that).
What if instead of covering popular songs, you embraced the truth that God has given your church a unique voice? You have the opportunity to write songs that allow people to respond to the unique circumstances happening in your church! Get to writing!
3 | Have you lived with the songs?
Have you ever heard a band's first album that was amazing and then they put out a second album and it's only half as good? That's because the band had lived with the songs on the first album for a long time - they didn't rush the process. The same is true of a good worship album. The best part is - you've got plenty of opportunity to make sure a song "works" before you throw it on an album! Start leading songs at your church before they're recorded and see if they resonate with your church.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.