3 Questions To Ask Your Worship Team
One way to switch things up at your worship rehearsals if you normally do a devotional is to simply ask your team a question and let them discuss it. Devotionals where you are teaching your team definitely have their place. But a more interactive way to lead a devotional is to offer a well-crafted question that leads to discussion. This allows your team to be involved in the conversation instead of just sitting there soaking up information.
Here are 3 questions you can ask your worship team:
1 | How can I serve you better?
This is a powerful question if you want to become a better leader. It gives your team permission to tell you what they want. Often times, blind spots develop in our leadership - especially when we've been leading for a while. Sometimes, that means that your team isn't being served as well as they need to be. Your past systems might not work with your current team. Ask your team how you can serve them better. Take notes. Don't defend why you don't do what they're asking for. Then, try your best to implement what they need.
2 | What was the most significant moment our church has had in worship in the past year? What can we do to foster more of those moments?
This is a great reflective question. It gets your team thinking about the purpose of worship and the impact that they're making in people's lives. So, start with reflection but don't let the conversation end there. Allow your team to offer their thoughts on how you can create more moments like the ones you talked about. This helps them see themselves as worship leaders instead of just people who play on the worship team.
3 | If someone new joined the worship team, what's one piece of advice you'd give them?
People love to give advice but your team probably won't if they aren't asked for it. So ask for it! This is a question that allows people to teach each other. Everyone has their own experience with leading worship and they've all learned different things. Allow the discussion of this question to grow your team!
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