3 Reasons It's Okay to Not Let Someone Join Your Worship Team

Why it's okay to not let someone join your worship team

It's hard to say no to someone who wants to join the worship team. Sometimes, no is the right answer. Your role as worship leader is not to say yes to everyone - it's to do what's best for the church. In fact, it's impossible to say yes to everyone about everything because people have differing points of view.

Here are 3 reasons why it's okay to say no to letting someone join the worship team:

1 | Think of ALL the consequences

Think about the effect your decision will have. Our thought process instantly focuses on the person we are considering saying no to. How will it affect them? What will their reaction be? Will I make them upset? These are reasonable questions but as leaders, we are called to think about decisions on a larger scale. You've got to weigh the consequences. What if that person joins the team and ends up distracting the rest of the people of your church? Suddenly saying yes to one person to make them feel good affects hundreds of other people you are leading in worship. This is a balance you have to wrestle with. Are you making the right decision for the most people possible?

2 | You're lying to the person

If someone is not cut out for the worship team and you allow them to join and continue in mediocrity you are lying to them. You are telling them that they are good at something that they aren't good at. Our role is to build each other up in love. Sometimes hard decisions need to be made and the best way to do it is to help people see the truth.

3 | You aren't encouraging God's plan for that person

God has a specific plan for that person's life. He wants them to do certain things and he has gifted them in specific ways to accomplish his plans. When you tell someone they are gifted in an area they aren't gifted in, you are giving them permission to circumvent God's plan. Instead, lead them to find how God wants to use them in the church - he has gifted them in a special way to serve. Help them find it!

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