3 Ways to Better Engage Your Congregation in Worship

Engage your congregation

Here are three quick tips to help you better engage your congregation:

1 | EYES

Open your eyes and look at people.

It's easy to WORSHIP with your eyes closed. It's hard to LEAD WORSHIP with your eyes closed (READ THAT LINE AGAIN)

When you open your eyes it allows you to do two things: connect with people and gauge the room. There is something powerful about making eye contact with someone and singing truth directly over them and with them.

Opening your eyes also allows you to gauge the room. You can see where people are at and lead them in the right direction, navigate them around obstacles, and help them see the goodness of God.

2 | SMILE  

For some reason, our default face when leading worship is not a happy one. However, if we truly have the greatest message ever to sing about then we have something to smile about.

Who would rather have leading you? Someone who looks like this ? Or someone who looks like this ?

Frown less, smile more.


Express what you're feeling when you worship. It's easy to get lost in trying to remember what chord comes next or what words to sing.

If you really want to be able to express yourself in worship, it starts with preparation. The better prepared you are the more easily you'll be able to express yourself because the songs will no longer be something you have to remember but truth you get to sing.

Once you're prepared appropriately, express what the song is about. If it's Glorious Day, believe it is a glorious day and act appropriately. If you're singing Oceans, smile because you are trusting that God is with you as he leads you into uncertain circumstances.

Expression is not performance. It's engaging the congregation by expressing the truth you're singing about.

5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.