3 Ways to Use Social Media to Improve Your Worship Leading
The average person spends nearly 2 hours a day on social media. There's no doubt that social media has a growing influence on our day to day lives. What if you could use social media to improve your worship leading?
Here are 3 ways you can use social media to improve your worship leading:
1 | Observe what's going on in people's lives
Social media is hands down the most accessible place to find information on what's going on in people's lives. Follow people from your church on Instagram. Add them as friends on Facebook. More and more people are using these platforms to let others see what's happening in their day to day life. That's good news for us as worship leaders because we can now understand what people are bringing with them to our gatherings in a way that wasn't possible before. Spending just 15 minutes before leading worship scrolling through your congregation's profiles can help you see where people need to be led.
2 | Live-streams
This is a two-fold use. First, you can watch church's live-streams. Many churches use Facebook as a free streaming platform so follow a few of them and check out their services. Watching other people lead worship helps you come up with new ideas. It also helps you see things that you may want to avoid. Learn from their mistakes.
Secondly, you can use your own live-streaming to your benefit. Use it to introduce a new song to your church before you introduce it on Sunday. Use it to lead your church in worship during the winter when you have to cancel your service because of snow. Get creative! Live-streaming allows you to stretch your title of worship leader outside of Sunday mornings.
3 | Follow people who post about worship
Fill your timeline with people who post about worship leading. A few of my favorites are @churchfront, @worshiptutorials, @weareworshipusa, @worshiponline, and @worshipministrytraining.
What other accounts do you follow to help you become a better worship leader? Let us know in the comments!
5 Tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.