3 Worship Team Gatherings Outside of Rehearsal
It's okay to have fun with your team. It doesn't have to be all work. It's easy to get caught in a routine of just running through songs, maybe doing a quick devotional, and heading home. But, some of the best and most important moments with your team are those moments that happen outside of your normal rehearsal time. These are the moments where you truly get to know each other and these get togethers can take your team to a whole new level as they build deeper relationships.
Here are 3 gatherings you can have with your team:
1 | Team night
A team night is just a time to hang out. It can really be doing anything besides what you usually do. You could get together and play ultimate frisbee. Or have other people in your church serve by cooking your team a meal. Do something unexpected with no other reason than to build relationships. This can expand beyond the worship team as well. This is a great time for several teams in your church to get together!
2 | Jam session
When's the last time you just got together and played music for the sake of playing music - not to prepare for a worship gathering. Get your team together for a jam session! Pick some songs and hang out together while making music. This is something that surprisingly a lot of musicians haven't experienced before. Have some song ideas ready to play through and let the evening flow from there. This, in turn, helps develop your band musically as they get more used to playing with each other.
3 | Concert
Take your team to a concert in your area. This is a great way to give them the chance to worship apart from leading. If you're in a small church and your team leads worship every Sunday - give them a chance to experience worship without leading. Not to mention the best relationships are built in those moments before and after the concert.
What gatherings do you have with your team outside of rehearsal? Let us know in the comments!
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