5 Things Your Worship Rehearsal Should Include

How to run a worship rehearsal

Have you ever been lost when it comes to worship rehearsal? Maybe it just feel monotonous - like you're doing the same thing over and over again? For some of us, rehearsal just involves running through the set for Sunday and going home.

Here are 5 things your worship rehearsal should include:

1 | Devotional

There should be some time allocated to communicating vision to your team. This is not a random bible study. This is the one time during the week that you have to communicate specifically to your team. This is best done by asking a question that your team can discuss - for examples head to @leadingworshipwell and check out the devotional Q highlight.

2 | Check-in time

This is the relational aspect of your team that can often be forgotten. It's okay to not have a definitive plan and to just have organic conversation. Ask them if anything exciting happened. Ask them what the most challenging moment of their week was. This is the perfect time for your team to get to know each other.

3 | Margin

While you might follow a set order for your practice (ie. set-up, devotional, run through set list, pray) don't forget the importance of margin. This is a little extra time that you may or may not use. This allows you to be creative or work on something longer than you thought you'd need to.  

4 | Prayer

Obviously your practice should include prayer. A great way to lead your team in more than just a general prayer is to have them walk through your worship space and pray over the chairs (the specific space where people will be on Sunday).

5 | Official ending time

Don't let your team guess when you'll be finished with rehearsal. Set an official ending time and stick to it! This builds trust with your team as they see that you value their time. Setting an ending time also helps you make decisions faster. As you come closer to the ending time - you'll spend less time discussing unnecessary things.

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