Fill Yourself Up
You can't fill an empty cup with an empty cup. Therefore, part of your job as a worship leader is to fill yourself up so that when you lead others you can fill them up. It's cyclical. Fill yourself up - pour yourself out - repeat.
Let's talk about the practicals of filling yourself up.
Truly filling yourself up comes at the intersection of the physical and spiritual.
God made us as spiritual beings in a physical body. Both are sides we need to feed. The problem is, if we even rest at all, we tend to focus on just one of those sides. "I only need spiritual refreshment. I better do my morning devotional every day." OR "I only need physical refreshment. I'm going to take a nap."
Here's how to fill up BOTH your physical side and your spiritual side:
1 | Physical Side - Find what energizes you
Physical rest looks different for different people. Maybe you can't stand the thought of sitting in silence and doing nothing. Or maybe that sounds amazing to you. Whatever it is, find what energizes you. Physical rest doesn't mean not doing anything at all - unless that's what you find restful. The important thing is to identify what brings you energy and go do that when you need filled up.
2 | Spiritual Side
Spiritual rest involves connecting with God - not because you need to have something to say during the next worship set - not because you need a new idea for a worship team devotional - but simply for the purpose of connecting with God. You know what these things looks like (praying, worshiping, reading the bible, etc.) the problem is we don't always identify them as important and so we try to squeeze them in when its convenient. Consequently, you're left spiritually malnourished.
This week be intentional - set aside at least 15 minutes a day to connect with God.
Which type of rest do you struggle more with: physical or spiritual? Let us know in the comments!
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