How to Gain Your Worship Team's Trust
Do you ever feel like you're trying to lead a team that doesn't want to be led? You give instructions and no one listens. Or no one respects your opinion. The problem may be that your team doesn't trust you. The best way to become a leader - whether you are younger or older than everyone else on your team - is to be trustworthy. So, how can you build trust?
Here are 3 ways to gain your team's trust:
1 | Be all in
You have to set the tone for your team. They have to know that you are 100% completely committed. That means you show up to rehearsals well in advance. You make sure everything is set up and ready to go. You're over-prepared. You ooze enthusiasm. Your team will not follow a lukewarm leader. Be all in.
2 | Do what you say when you say you're going to do it
Trust is built over time. The only way to build trust is to be trustworthy. That means you do what you say when you say you're going to do it. That's true for the big and small things. From a macro perspective, don't constantly cancel rehearsals that you had scheduled. Be prepared enough to not constantly have last minute instructions for your team. From a micro perspective, show up on time to rehearsal. Send the song list out when you say you're going to. Have a plan for rehearsal. Communicate consistently. Start and end rehearsal on time.
3 | Set your team up for success
Give your team the resources they need to succeed and show you care about them. If your team constantly has to ask for things from you (chord sheets, lyrics, arrangements, etc.), they won't trust you. You are responsible not just to yourself but to your team as well. So show them that you take that responsibility seriously.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.