How to Lead a Worship Team Devotional
First, if you aren't doing devotionals (I use that term loosely, you'll see why in a moment) at your rehearsals you are missing out on one of the most transformational moments of your time with your worship team. If we truly believe that our duty as worship leaders isn't to just play songs, then why is it so easy to just run through songs at practice then go home? Worship leaders: it is our responsibility to not just lead our teams musically but also spiritually.
So what should this time look like? Here is my philosophy behind this time (let me know in the comments below if you agree or disagree): This is not the time to simply open the bible to a random passage and discuss it. That's called a bible study and this isn't a bible study... this is worship team practice. Use this time to speak directly and specifically to your worship team and their needs. Use this time to discuss what it means to lead worship. Use this time to talk about why songs are arranged the way they are. Use this time to remind your team of your core values. But do not use this time as simply another bible study time.
Why? Because the expectation of the worship team should be that they are already involved in the life of your church! If a worship team member is only receiving spiritual nourishment from their time at worship team rehearsal they shouldn't be on the worship team. We need people leading worship who are actively involved in the life of the church. So set the expectation first that your members get involved in a small group, or start coming to Wednesday night service, or whatever your church has in place to allow people to connect and go deeper in a small group environment. This is where your team should receive their "general" spiritual nourishment.
This system allows you to actually build into your worship team by discussing worship team specific topics at rehearsals.
Do you have a time of teaching during your rehearsals? What do they look like?
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.