How to Lead Worship When You're "Just Not Feeling It"

How to lead worship when you're not feeling it

Have you ever had one of those moments when you have to lead worship but you just aren't feeling it? Maybe you're tired. Maybe you're mind's preoccupied with something else. Maybe things just feel a little off.

You're not alone! Nobody feels 100% ON every time they lead worship.

Here are 3 things you can do when you're just "not feeling it":

1 | Be obedient

God honors our obedience. Even when you aren't feeling it, you can still do what you need to do. That's where character is built. In those moments, when doing what's right isn't easy. It's no different than reading your bible every day or praying on a regular basis. These things aren't just spiritual practices - they're spiritual disciplines. 

2 | Believe the Promise

Focus on a promise of God. It's easy to feel like the promises of God ebb and flow depending on our mood but that's not true!

The Holy Spirit is still alive and working through you even when you don't feel like it.

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you even when you're tired.

The Spirit gives you wisdom even before you've had your first cup of coffee in the morning. 

These promises are true at all times and God can use you to make an impact even when you feel like it's impossible.

3 | Plan a break

Sometimes "not feeling it" is a symptom of a larger problem. If you experience that feeling of apathy or tiredness for multiple weeks in a row, it might be time to consider taking a break. Ministry is hard. It's exhausting. And it's okay to take a break. (Even Jesus withdrew regularly). Take the necessary steps to set up a week off. That might mean bringing someone else in to lead worship or just relying on another team member.

"If you don't take the sabbath, the sabbath will take you." - Carey Nieuwhof

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