How to Prepare to Go on Vacation

How to prepare to go on vacation

Vacation season is upon us! Rest is absolutely necessary when it comes to worship leading. You should be taking some time off and not leading every single week. Even if that means just taking a Sunday off from your responsibilities at church - do it!

Along with that comes the question: what happens when I'm not around?

Here are 3 things to prepare for before you go on vacation:

1 | Line up a leader

Make sure someone (or multiple people) can cover your spot. Not only that, but give them ample time to prepare. This is especially necessary if you're asking someone who doesn't normally lead to fill your spot. While it might take you an hour to prepare for Sunday, someone who doesn't do it regularly will take longer - so give them an appropriate amount of time. It's ideal to ask them at least one month in advance. 

2 | Make sure your responsibilities are filled

Just because you're away for a week doesn't mean that you can't work ahead and get everything set up in advance. Print out chord charts for team members for the practice of the week you won't be around. Get the lyrics in order. Schedule people. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for the person who is filling in for you. Make sure everything is set up for them.

3 | Set your team up for success

When you're away, give your team peace of mind. Make sure they are well-equipped to succeed. Give them everything they need to prepare even earlier than you usually do. Songs picked out - check. Chord charts printed - check. Team members scheduled - check. Give your team the best possible chance of being successful while you're gone.

Anyone going on vacation this summer? Let us know where you're going in the comments!

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