How to Replenish Your Creativity
Most worship leaders are creatives. We have that spark of creativity inside of us and we thrive on creating. The problem is that a lot of us are tasked with creating on a regular schedule. Sunday is over and you have to prepare for next Sunday and so on and so forth into eternity.
This task of constant creation is tiring and can exhaust your creative ability. So how can you replenish it?
Here are 3 ways to replenish your creativity:
1 | Get inspired
You know that feeling that you get when you see something amazing and you think to yourself, "I'd love to do that!" Find those things and constantly come back to them. When you feel like your creativity well is running dry, fill it up by getting inspired by other people's creativity.
When it comes to song arrangements, watch covers of worship songs on YouTube. Listen to a different artist's interpretation of a song. Listen to a different kind of music than you normally would. Get inspired.
2 | Create out of your comfort zone
This works because when we create IN our comfort zone, we either think that we've run out of new things to create or we have so many options that we get overloaded with choices and end up not creating anything at all. Creating OUTSIDE of your comfort zone solves both of those problems. For example, if you're main instrument is guitar try, creating something on a piano. That means that everything that you make will be new because you've never done it before. And you won't have a ton of options to choose from because you don't know a lot about the instrument. That is the power of creating out of your comfort zone.
3 | Take a break
Sometimes your well is just dry. The only way to fill it up is to allow time to rest. So take a break. You don't have to spend 7 hours creating something. In fact, what took you 7 hours to create probably could have been created in 3 hours if you decided to take a half hour break during the process.
How do you replenish your creativity? Let us know in the comments!
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