How to Teach Your Worship Team to Be Expressive
One area you can focus on with your team is teaching them how to be expressive in worship. This is especially important when you consider that your team are the ones modeling what worship looks like.
What your team does when they lead shows people what is appropriate for worship in your church.
So how do you teach them to be expressive?
Here are 3 things to remember when teaching your team to be expressive in worship:
1 | Don't force it
At the end of the day, authenticity trumps expressiveness.
You want your team to be who they truly are. If they aren't the kind of people who dance or get on their knees or clap, you don't need to force them to.
Your goal should be to show them that they have permission to freely worship when they are leading others.
They might feel awkward about raising their hands in front of others - let them know that they are modeling what worship looks like.
2 | Teach them forms of worship
During your worship team devotionals spend some time in the Psalms.
Some people are simply unaware of all the different worship can take form.
Walk them through psalms about bowing down. Show them that lifting your hands in worship is actually in the Bible!
Perhaps your team has never been taught about the different forms of worship - it's your job to teach them!
3 | Show them examples
Finally, watch some other people lead worship together. Pull up a livestream or a live version of a song you're going to be doing on Sunday and watch it together as a team.
Ask them to take note of the musical elements of what the worship team is doing but also have them look at HOW they're leading. What's their posture? What are they doing with their hands? Are their eyes open or closed?
Discuss what you noticed with your team and then give them permission to implement some of what they learned during your rehearsal!
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.