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How to Use What You Have in Worship Leading

Let's be honest, we all want something more when it comes to worship leading: more team members, better gear, a drummer. Whatever it is - no matter what stage you're at - we all see what we could add to our worship leading and we focus on that.

Therein lies the problem; those cravings are never fulfilled. There will always be something better.

So instead of focusing on the things you don't have - let's look at how you can use the things you DO have:

1 | Musicians

It'd be nice to have redundancy on your team so if you're electric guitar player is away one weekend that spot would still be covered. But maybe you just aren't at that point yet. What can you do?

It all comes down to doubling down on your strengths. Maybe your drummer is away this weekend - how about trying an acoustic set? You don't have many instrumentalists but a lot of vocalists? Really nail down those vocal parts. Play to your strengths. 

2 | Technology

There will always be something newer, better, and more expensive out there. You can truly accomplish a lot with a basic set up. Think about it: the same degree that we are interested in gear, is the same degree everyone else is disinterested in gear. Your church cannot tell the difference between an analog and a digital board when both are used properly. They can't hear the difference between a Gibson Les Paul and an Epiphone Les Paul. So focus on getting the most out of what you do have.

3 | Instrumentation

Maybe your team just doesn't have certain instruments to work with: no keyboardist, no drummer, no bass player. Have you sensed a theme yet? Use what you do have to the best of your ability and adapt what you need to. Different instruments can play different parts. That keyboard lead line in What a Beautiful Name? Your guitarist can play that. 

It all comes to one thing: you will always want more - so learn to use what you have.

What is the one thing you wish you had most when it comes to worship leading? Let us know in the comments!