I Got A New Worship Leading Job!
Guys! Big ANNOUNCEMENT! I got a new job!
As many of you know, about 10 months ago I stepped away from a position as full-time worship pastor. In the process, I've enjoyed a nice LONG break from regularly leading worship.
But that break has finally come to an end. As of this week, I am officially the Director of Worship at Salem United Brethren Church.
Let me just say it's been quite the journey getting to this point.
To be honest, I wasn't even really looking for a worship leading job. But, I feel like God has steadily guided me along the way.
Here's the full story:
After I left my previous worship leading position, I told myself I'd give myself until the end of summer to focus on Leading Worship Well and pour everything I had into it.
So, I did. I hope you've noticed the increased amount of content I've been putting out over these past 10 months - especially over on the LWW YouTube channel.
But, in February, I saw a job posting for a worship leading position at a local church. I already knew some people from the church AND it was less than 10 minutes away from me. So, I applied.
At the beginning of March, I had an interview that went very well. And then... COVID!
So, the hiring process was put on hold.
I continued to work on Leading Worship Well like I had originally planned.
Finally, churches opened back up in my area and I was asked to lead worship at Salem as the next step in the hiring process.
It went very well. And then... I got an email telling me that the senior pastor was moving. So, the hiring process got put on hold again while they searched for a new pastor.
Finally, at the beginning of August, the leaders at the church decided to move forward with my hiring and made me an offer which I accepted.
What's that mean for the future of Leading Worship Well? A lot actually... but all GOOD things.
First, this is a part-time position (another reason why I accepted it). That allows me to continue working on Leading Worship Well just like I have been. Yay!!!
Second, I feel like when I'm actually serving in ministry it's a lot easier for me to create resources that connect with you.
I'm not going to lie - it's been difficult coming up with content ideas over these past 10 months.
Third, I'd identify my new church as a "transitioning church." They've built their success on a traditional model and are looking to transition into a more modern way of doing things.
I realize that that is the context A LOT of YOU serve in. So, I look forward to getting experience in leading change and helping you do the same.
I'm super excited to start in this new position and share my journey with you all! Keep leading well!
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