My voice cracked while leading worship (it didn’t matter) (Video)

A couple months ago my voice cracked during a Sunday service. (I have video proof!)

It was during communion. I was singing Crown Him With Many Crowns (the Christmas version because this was back in December).

I made it to the 2nd or 3rd verse. Went for a high note. And… (squeak!)

And you know what I realized after the service? It didn’t really matter.

That's why over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel I just released a video called "My voice cracked while leading worship (it didn’t matter)."⁠

In the video, you’ll get to see the exact moment my voice cracked (feel free to laugh). Plus, I’ll share why it didn’t turn out to be that big of a deal. You’ll learn how you can teach your church the same things I’ve taught my church. That way, if your voice cracks in the future, it won’t matter.

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