One Thousandth Post!

One Thousandth Post!

On February 2nd 2018, I opened up Instagram, tapped "create new account," and typed Leading Worship Well into the name field.

From that moment on, I made a commitment to myself to post a worship leading tip EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It started off as a challenge for the year of 2018.

Then, once 2019 came, you guys had actually started to follow along. So, I committed to another year.

Then, 2020 came and you guys were STILL here - so I kept posting!

Now here we are 991 days into the commitment I made to myself almost 3 years ago. And the moment is finally here...

I have reached ONE THOUSAND posts!

*Cue fireworks and dubstep music*

First off, I want to say thank you!

It's been such a blessing to interact with the Leading Worship Well community over these past 3 years.

It's been awesome to watch as you've all grown in your worship leading and brought other worship leaders into the community by sharing posts and videos that have resonated with you.

So, again, THANK YOU!

As I hit the 1000 post threshold, I feel like it's time for something new.

I believe that for things to continue to improve - change is necessary.

What's that famous saying? The greatest threat to your future success is your current success.

As Leading Worship Well has continued to expand, I can't help but feel a longing to go deeper.

And so I want to provide that opportunity in a way that a 2200 character Instagram caption can't provide.

What's that look like?

I'm NOT going to stop posting on Instagram - however, these posts take up A LOT of my time and for a season I want to focus on creating more in depth worship leading resources.

So, I plan on posting on Instagram less frequently in order to focus on writing longer, more helpful, in depth blog posts.

In addition, I've seen massive growth over on YouTube since I've started and want to have more time to pour into that avenue of resourcing worship leaders.

I don't have a concrete plan for what all of that looks like yet but I look forward to working with all of you to figure out the best way to equip the Leading Worship Well community.

Once again, THANK YOU for following along. Keep leading worship well!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.