Play the Margins in Worship Leading
There's a space that exists in worship leading that sets apart the good from the best. That space is the margin.
The margin is that moment between songs. It's that chord progression between the chorus and the bridge. It's those first seconds after the countdown hits zero and you're about to strum the first chord.
Are you playing the margins or are you avoiding them?
As you prepare to plan your next worship set, identify the margins.
Here are three things you can do to play the margins:
1 | Lead
The margins are the perfect time for you to lead your church in worship. Welcome your church. Connect the dots - why are you singing what you're singing? Encourage your church.
Don't just say something because you feel like you have to. Identify the margins, plan what you're going to say, then execute.
2 | Pray
The margins are also a great time to pray. You can do this two ways. First, you can pray over your church. Connect the prayer to the song you're singing and move your church deeper. Second, you can lead people through a time of prayer. This gets people involved and thinking about what the song specifically means to them. If you're singing about God's faithfulness, ask people to pray about how they need God to be faithful to them. Or ask them to thank him for how he has been faithful in the past.
3 | Purposeful Silence
This is the least utilized way to play the margin. It's because it feels awkward. It feels like you should be doing something. But sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. Let the song breathe. Let people reflect on what they just sang about. Let them connect with God in an organic way.
Next time you lead. Play the margins.
How do you play the margins? Let us know in the comments!
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