Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Saturday Challenge - Apply Something You've Learned About Worship Leading

I challenge you to actually APPLY something you've learned about worship leading.

It's so easy to just read and read... and watch a YouTube video... and consume more information and repeat that process into eternity.

And in the process, it feels like you're accomplishing something. At least you're learning things, right?

But, if you never take it a step further and actually APPLY what you learn, all of your learning is useless. It stays in your head and never reaches the people you have the privilege of leading on Sundays.

So, go find a blog post you’re interested in, and pick ONE THING to apply to your worship leading tomorrow.

There are usually several practical steps you can take - you only need to do ONE of them! There are 53 Sundays this year - this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Before you lead tomorrow, identify ONE THING you can apply to your worship leading.