Saturday Challenge - Ask: What Does My Church Need To Hear?
I challenge you to ask the question: "What does my church need to hear?" before you lead worship tomorrow.
I know how it is. You've got this awesome thought that popped into your head while you were preparing to lead worship this week.
Maybe it came to you during your personal devotional time with God. Or maybe it was just a connection you made while driving in your car to work one day.
And it meant a lot to you. So, you can't wait to share it with your church on Sunday.
Those moments are a great STARTING point for crafting your speaking transitions. But, all too often, we never take the necessary steps to develop the idea further.
There's a difference between: (starting point) - "How did God speak to ME this week?" and (ending point) - "What does God want to say to MY CHURCH this week?"
If you want to lead your church well through your speaking transitions tomorrow, take that thought you had and run it through the extra filter of "how does this apply to the people I'm leading?"
Before you lead tomorrow, ask yourself the question: "What does my church need to hear?"
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.