Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Saturday Challenge - Ask: Why Do We Do What We Do?

I challenge you to ask "Why do we do what we do?" before you lead worship tomorrow.

Often times we get locked into doing things simply because "that's how we've always done it."

But, when you ask the simple question "why?" you challenge your traditions and make necessary changes that help you lead your church well.

"Why do we always start worship with a fast song?"

"Why do we have people sit during our time of giving?"

"Why do we still have a time of giving during our service when people can give online?"

"Why do I stand on this specific spot on the stage when I lead worship?"

"Why... (fill your curiosity in here)?"

Then, take it a step further and ask yourself "What if?...":

"What if we started worship with a slow song?"

"What if we simply pointed people to online giving?"

"What if I stood in a different spot when I lead worship?"

Before you lead tomorrow, ask the question: "Why do we do what we do?"