Saturday Challenge - Be A Curious Worship Leader
I challenge you to be a curious worship leader tomorrow.
Being a curious worship leader means asking the question: "What would happen if?..." It's about breaking out of the safety of routine that you've built for yourself and stepping into the unknown.
A few examples:
"I wonder what would happen if... we started with a slow song instead of a fast song?"
"I wonder what would happen if... I led worship from a different instrument?"
"I wonder what would happen if... I let someone else lead a song I usually lead?"
Before you lead tomorrow, be curious and ask the question: "What would happen if...?"
If you want more context around being a curious worship leader, check out the video I posted yesterday on the LWW YouTube channel - "5 Intermediate Tips For Leading Worship." In the video, you'll learn 5 tips to improve your worship leading!
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.