Saturday Challenge - Pick One Small Thing To Improve
I challenge you to just pick one small thing to improve upon in your worship leading this Sunday.
Worship leaders: stop viewing your worship as a one-time event. This is a LIFELONG pursuit! Yes, every Sunday is important and has the potential to bring about life change for the people in your church. But, when it comes to your worship leading - it is a skill to be developed just like any other skill. It happens slowly overtime.
Maybe you've been reading Leading Worship Well posts and watching YouTube videos and reading other people's blogs every day. And all of the sudden you realize, there is SO MUCH to learn. And you find it intimidating - like you need to fix all of these problems you've identified THIS SUNDAY or you've failed.
Have some prudence - act with thought of the future. It is better to take one small step consistently over time than to be paralyzed by the gigantic task at hand and do nothing.
Before you lead tomorrow, go back and find a post of mine that sticks out to you - focus on that ONE THING!
If you want a little more context around this idea, I talked about it in this week's video on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel. It's called "What To Say While Leading Worship | Q&A."
In the video, I answered YOUR questions and one of the answers was about not viewing your worship leading as a singular event!
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.