Saturday Challenge - Point To Truth Before You Lead Worship
I challenge you to point people to truth before you lead worship tomorrow.
So often - especially when we're under-prepared - worship leaders start their worship service with a phrase like: "Let's stand and worship." And there's nothing inherently wrong with that direction it's just... we can do better. If you want to actually lead people in worship, point them to truth before you lead them.
What sort of truth should you point them to?:
1 | A theme that runs throughout the songs in your worship set
2 | What your pastor is preaching on
3 | Scripture that has to do with worship
Before you lead tomorrow, identify what truth you're going to point people to before you lead them.
If you want a little more context around how to welcome people into worship, this week's video on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel covers that topic. It's called "What To Say Before Leading Worship | The 4-Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship."
Pointing to truth is just ONE of the FOUR steps. Go watch the video so you're prepared to lead tomorrow morning!
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.