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Saturday Challenge - Pray This Prayer: Not My Will But Yours

I challenge you to pray this prayer before you lead worship tomorrow:

"God I surrender my worship leading plans to You. Whatever You want to happen is better than what I want to happen. Give me the wisdom and flexibility to follow Your Spirit's leading as I lead worship. Not my will be done but Your will be done."

Over the past month, I've been praying this prayer every time before I lead worship. And it's had a major impact on how I view worship leading.

You know I'm ALL about preparing well in advance. I constantly encourage you to prepare early, plan your speaking transitions, plan your musical transitions, and have a legitimate PLAN before you lead worship every Sunday.

And preparation IS the key to leading worship well.

But this is also true: Man plans his way, but God establishes his steps.

How do I know that's true? Because Proverbs 16:9 says it!

Listen, God wants you to have a PLAN. But at the same time, He is the one that establishes it.

Be willing to sacrifice the plan that you came up with during the week.

Be willing to sacrifice that speaking transition you worked so hard on because you realize on Sunday morning that it's not really what people need to hear.

Be willing to sing a different song coming out the message because you realize that there's a song you didn't have planned that allows your church to perfectly respond to what they just heard.

Before you lead tomorrow, pray this pray: "Not my will but Yours!"