Saturday Challenge - See Through The Eyes Of A First Timer
I challenge you to see your worship service through the eyes of someone who is there for the first time.
After you've been somewhere for a while, you start to take things for granted and get tunnel vision.
On the other hand, when you go somewhere for the first time - you take EVERYTHING in.
You notice there's no clear signage that points to where the bathroom is...
You notice that the church lobby is actually kind of dirty and there are cobwebs in the corner...
You notice that everyone in the church service seems to have unwritten rules of when to stand and when to sit...
These are things people see when they come to your church for the first time.
And you want to make people who come to your church for the first time feel welcomed, right?
So, this Sunday, try to see things through their eyes. Focus on noticing things you normally wouldn't notice - things that, over the past 10 years at your church, you might have taken for granted.
When you're at church tomorrow, see things through the eyes of a first timer!
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.