Saturday Challenge - Treat The Camera Like It's A Person
I challenge you to treat the camera like it's a person when you lead worship on Sunday.
A lot of you have been asking for practical tips about how to lead worship online. Presenting yourself well on camera is essential.
And I'm not going to lie... it's really awkward at first.
But, the most practical thing you can do to improve your "camera presence" is treat the camera like it's a person.
Why? Because that camera that is fixed on you IS your connection point to your church.
So, if you would normally make eye contact with people during your speaking transitions while you're leading worship, make eye contact with the camera during your speaking transitions during online worship.
If you would normally give people a look of encouragement while singing a song, give the camera a look of encouragement.
I know it's awkward at first, but you'll see what I mean when you watch the video back.
When you lead tomorrow, I challenge you to treat the camera like it's a person you're leading.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.