Saturday Challenge - Trust Your Worship Team More
I challenge you to take your trust of your worship team to the next level.
It's easy to get stuck on the idea that "you're the only one who can do this." And so, what happens? You end up doing everything for the worship team. You plan all the sets, you get all the tech ready, you sing all the songs, and you lead all the speaking transitions. But, if you are truly on a worship TEAM, you need to start trusting your team members.
Here are 3 practical areas where you can trust your team more:
1️⃣ Leading songs
2️⃣ Speaking transitions
3️⃣ Planning sets
Before you start preparing for next week, make the decision to include one of your worship team members in one of these areas. Let someone else lead a song on Sunday. Sit down and work on a speaking transition with another team member and then let them lead that moment. Or, get input from your team on your set list for next Sunday.
If you want a little more context around these 3 areas where you can trust your worship team, check out the post I put up earlier this week "3 Ways You Can Trust Your Worship Team More!"
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.