The 4 Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship

How to welcome people in worship

We think a lot about worship transitions. What are you going to say between songs? How are you going to transition musically? We spend so much time thinking about the middle of our worship gatherings we forget about the beginning.

Here's a 4 step formula for how to start your worship gatherings:

1 | Countdown

A lot of people aren't worried about the beginning of their worship set because "nobody's there anyway." The best way you can get people there is to have a countdown and start right when you say you're going to. When the countdown reaches zero, go into your welcome and first song like the whole room is filled. Over time people will calibrate and show up on time.

2 | Welcome

This is your opening line. Keep it simple. A few examples: "Hey everyone! Welcome to church!" "Good morning! We're excited to worship with you!" "Welcome to (church name)! We're glad you're here!"

Keep it simple. Keep it friendly.

3 | Point To Truth

This is the part that most leaders forget. This is the time to explain why we're doing what we're doing. A few examples: "We are here today to celebrate the greatness of God." "We believe that through Jesus we can enter into the presence of God." "I don't how your week went. I don't know if it was amazing or horrible. But I know that God is a faithful God and that is reason to worship this morning."

4 | Instruct

Finally, give people instructions so they know what to do next.

Examples: "Let's stand and sing together." "Would you pray with me as we focus our attention completely on God?" "Let's believe that today!"

Here's what it could look like putting all the steps together:

1 | (Countdown hits zero) "

2 | Good morning everyone! Welcome to church!

3 | We believe that through Jesus we can freely enter into the presence of God.

4 | Let's believe that together as we stand and sing to the One who is worthy of worship!"

What does your standard worship welcome sound like? Let us know in the comments below!

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