The Holy Spirit is Not a Substitute for Preparation
In recent online conversations about preparation, more than a few people have expressed how they simply plan the bare minimum because they want to allow the Spirit to move when they lead worship. They might pick songs out but they let the Holy Spirit lead them in the moment.
Here's the problem: The Holy Spirit is not a substitute for preparation.
Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn't let the Holy Spirit replace your preparation:
1 | The Holy Spirit doesn't only work on Sundays
To rely on God's Spirit only when you lead, reinforces the idea that God is only present at church on Sundays. That's obviously not true. God is at work just as much on a Tuesday afternoon when you are working on your set as he is on a Sunday morning. Think about it: you could let the Spirit guide you for 30 minutes on a Sunday morning or you could seek his direction throughout the week.
2 | God blesses your preparation
Proverbs 16:9 says "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." At first glance, it seems like that says that God is going to do whatever he wants so why plan a course? But what that verse assumes is that you have a plan in place in the first place - then God uses that for His purpose. God blesses your preparation when you seek his will in the process.
3 | God works on you during your preparation
God shapes you in your time of preparation. He uses that time to prepare you to lead. Don't let the only time your being shaped by God be when you lead worship on Sunday. Allow him to work on you through the preparation process.
How do you view the balance between preparation and being spirit-led? Let us know in the comments!
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