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Working with Your Tech Team

If you're a worship leader, chances are you aren't just working with other musicians, you're also working with the tech team. Slide operators, sound people, lighting directors, etc. These people play an integral roll in your worship gatherings by working behind the scenes to make sure things operate smoothly.

Here are 3 tips when it comes to working with the tech team:

1 | Let them know in advance

Make sure your tech team is set up for success. Give as much info as you can as soon as possible. General speaking, tech people are logistical. They like to have things planned out. As you're working with them, keep that in mind. It's not that they can't adapt to last minute changes, it's just that they'd rather not. So respect that aspect of their personality and set them up for success.

2 | Communicate with them

Let your team know what you need. They aren't mind readers. Often times, just like with any team member, they're looking for suggestions on ways that they can make things better. So tell them you need a little less bass in your monitor. Ask them how you guitar tone is. Ask them if there's anything you could do differently that would improve the mix. Treat your tech team like they are members of your team - not just as a person who stands in the back of the room by the soundboard.

3 | Thank them

Just thank them. The tech team is usually the least thanked team. They stand in the back, nobody sees them, and yet they serve faithfully week in and week out. Little notes of thanks go a long way. Leave a note of encouragement in your sound room this weekend thanking your team. 

What's your biggest struggle when working with your tech team? Let us know in the comments!