Worship Pastor vs Worship Artist
There are two types of worship musicians that many have conflated. Those two roles are worship ARTIST and worship PASTOR.
Keep in mind, it isn't wrong to fulfill either of these roles. God has called some to be worship artists and some to be worship pastors (and even some to be both). The problem comes when both of these roles try to fulfill each other's purpose.
Here are 3 differences between worship artists and worship pastors:
1 | Pastors lead churches - Artists perform songs
Worship pastors spend all of their energy leading churches. That means making sacrifices. Doing things that might not make them sound as good musically. They make musical choices for the church so that the church can participate to the fullest extent.
Worship artists spend their time perfecting their performance. That means doing things that make them sound as good as they possibly can - choosing the perfect key for their voice, creating complex arrangements, etc. They make musical choices to express their musical ability.
2 | Pastors focus on clarity - Artists focus on art
Worship pastors spend their energy on being as clear as possible. They want the people their leading to be able to engage fully with the text - understanding it completely. They may reject a song whose language isn't clear.
Worship artists create art. Complexity. Using whatever phrases they can to express the emotion behind their thoughts. Their lyrics are up for interpretation.
3 | Pastors lead people - Artists lead bands
Worship pastors lead people. They understand that the people in their church are not professional musicians but are still able to add value by using their gifts. They focus on people first.
Worship artists lead bands. They lead a group of musicians. They focus on the musical ability of their band mates.
In the end, it's likely that you have a little bit of both in you - pastor and artist. Find your dominate trait and lean in.
What do you consider yourself: a worship artist or worship pastor? Let us know in the comments!
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