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Here’s an exclusive discount on We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams!
We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams
$10.00 $15.00
As a worship leader, you aren’t just tasked with leading your church in worship BUT ALSO leading a worship team.
One of the best ways you can lead your team well is by teaching them what it means to be a worship leader.
That’s why I created We Are All Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams!
It’s specifically designed to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well.
We Are All Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams
$10.00 $15.00
Teach your worship team to take their role seriously!
An 8 week devotional to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well…
We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Leaders
$10.00 $15.00
Your purchase comes with instant access to the We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams PDF
Teach your worship team to take their role seriously!
An 8 week devotional to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well…
$10.00 $15.00
What if you could easily teach your worship team to take what they do seriously?
Hey there worship team leader!
Leading a worship team is difficult.
There’s so much on your plate.
You’ve got a pastor to communicate with. You’ve got songs to pick out. You’ve got tech problems to fix…
… and on top of all of that - you’ve got a team to lead!
As you know from experience, leading PEOPLE is hard!
Especially with all of the problems that constantly pop up in your worship ministry:
Team members show up late to rehearsals
When they do come, they don’t know their parts
Maybe they don’t even show up at all!
They rely on you too much and don’t take ownership of what they do
They post questionable things on social media (yikes!)
So how do you try to fix those problems?
At our worst, we passive aggressively make comments during rehearsals hoping that our team members get the picture.
At our best, we remind them of the expectations that worship team members are held to and try to graciously lead them through meeting those expectations.
But the simple fact of the matter is that all of the problems that keep coming up in your worship ministry have one simple cause:
Any lack of preparation and initiative from a worship team member stems from a misunderstanding of the importance of their role.
The truth is: we prepare and take initiative for what we think is important.
So, the key to finally fixing those problems you’ve been dealing with for years on your worship team is NOT to guilt your team members into finally meeting expectations…
It’s NOT to occasionally passive aggressively make remarks during rehearsals and hope the problems go away…
The key to getting your team to take what they do seriously is simply this:
Help them understand the IMPORTANCE of their role.
Once your team truly understands the IMPORTANCE of their role - the problems disappear.
And that’s why I created We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams.
You see, the one truth that has the power to change EVERYTHING about how your worship team members understand their role is this:
We are ALL worship leaders.
Your bass player doesn’t just hold down the low end - they are a worship leader!
Your drummer doesn’t just hit things - they are a worship leader!
Your background vocalist doesn’t just sing harmony - they are a worship leader!
Each member of your team has an important MUSICAL role and an important SPIRITUAL role.
They are ALL worship leaders.
And those 5 simple words have the power to develop worship team members who PREPARE for worship well, SERVE your church well, and LEAD worship well.
$10.00 $15.00
Here’s what’s inside the devotional…
We Are ALL Worship Leaders is an 8 week devotional.
Each week your worship team will focus on discovering one key change that occurs when you realize that you aren’t just a musician - you are a worship leader.
Here’s an outline of the study:
Week 1 - What is a worship leader?
Week 2 - When you are a worship leader… you prepare well
Week 3 - When you are a worship leader… you put others’ needs before your own
Week 4 - When you are a worship leader… you take ownership of what you do
Week 5 - When you are a worship leader… people look to you for guidance
Week 6 - When you are a worship leader… you get to know the people that you are leading
Week 7 - When you are a worship leader… you represent your church on stage and off stage
Week 8 - When you are a worship leader… you are always a worship leader
Devotionals consist of two parts:
First - you and your team will work your way through a devotional that teaches a key concept behind the idea that “we are ALL worship leaders.”
Second - after you read the devotional, you and your team will be given a set of questions to reflect on.
This is where the true transformation and learning happens.
These questions will give your team a chance to discuss what they’ve just learned and how it applies to your specific church.
All in all, your devotional time will be about 15 minutes long - 5 minutes of teaching and 10 minutes of discussion (or longer if your team is talkative!).
Want to take a look inside?
We Are ALL Worship Leaders: An 8 Week Devotional For Worship Teams
$10.00 $15.00