3 Common Excuses In Worship Ministry (And How To Overcome Them)
It's easier to make excuses than it is to find a solution to a problem. Are you an excuse maker or a problem solver? When it comes to worship ministry, it often feels like our hands are tied and we can only do certain things. But the truth is, great leaders find solutions to their problems. They might recognize the excuses but they quickly move past them.
Here are 3 common excuses in worship ministry (and how to overcome them):
1 | "We just don't have the money to do that."
If you suddenly had $25000 to spend on your worship ministry, what would you buy? I'm sure you can think of a long list of what you "need" for your worship ministry: a new soundboard, new lights, a new guitar, in ear monitors. The list could go on and on. And there's no doubt, those things would help. But as you're plenty aware of, you just don't have an infinite budget. In fact, you may not have ANY budget.
The default response to having a limited budget or no budget at all is to use that as an excuse. And it's not just an excuse for gear related problems, it becomes an excuse for ALL problems.
SOLUTION: Learn how to use what you have and use it to it's fullest extent. Too often we look to the upgrade before we learn how to use what we already have.
2 | "People just 'weren't into it' today."
Ahh... blaming the people of your church for a "lack of worship." Classic. You can coerce them into doing things that look like worship (singing, dancing, whatever worship looks like at your church). But, at the end of the day, you can't MAKE people worship. And so worship leaders make the excuse and give up on trying.
SOLUTION: Embrace the truth that you can't make people worship. You can only give them opportunities to respond.
3 | "If only I had more..."
We already covered the "I need more money" excuse. But this extends beyond money. More people. More time. More energy. You could do... well, pretty much anything.
But, more is a funny word - the more you think about it the bigger it gets. More turns into more which expands into more. And in the process you quickly realize that MORE is an unachievable measure.
SOLUTION: Focus on the things you have and not the things you don't have.
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