I quit my band to lead worship (my story) (Video)
I played in bands pretty much my whole life… but I quit.
Several years ago, I woke up one morning, called my band members and said, “That’s it. I’m done.”
And I know a lot of other worship leaders play in bands as well…
It’s time to turn the lights on in your worship service. (Video)
It’s time to turn the lights on in your worship service…
There I said it.
Listen, I know that’s not a popular idea these days. And I was honestly in the same place you were just a few years ago.
But over the last couple of years, I’ve changed my mind and my church now worships with the lights on…
3 last-minute speaking transitions for worship leaders. (Video)
It’s Friday and you have no idea what you’re going to say between songs on Sunday.
Let me help you.
In the video, I’ll give you 3 worship speaking transitions you can use this Sunday. One is a Call to Worship. Another is a time of Confession. And the third is an Assurance of Pardon that reminds your church of the work Christ has done on their behalf…
I took over a worship ministry. Here’s the first thing I did. (Video)
I took over a worship ministry 4 years ago.
I know a lot of worship leaders in the Leading Worship Well community have been in similar positions recently…
I thought I’d share my advice for getting started at a new church.
Stop talking about worship like it’s just music. Here’s how. (Video)
We all know worship isn’t just music. But how often do we talk like it is?
Maybe you don’t even realize you’re doing it.
You use phrases like, “Let’s stand and worship together.” But you only say that when you’re about to sing.
You might refer to your service as “worship and the word.”
You call your band the “worship team.”
How do you break out of the habit of using these phrases and intentionally teach your church that worship is more than just music?…
The 30 worship songs I sing at my church. (Video)
Want to know what songs I’ve been singing at my church this past year?
Over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel I just released a video called "The 30 worship songs I sing at my church."…
5 rules for better worship band dynamics (Video)
Does your worship team just sound like a wall of sound?
You could take a recording of your team, fast forward to any point in a song, and it would sound exactly the same no matter what part of the song you were in.
The truth is: verse 1 should sound different than verse 2. The first chorus should sound different than the last chorus…
Everything I did to prepare for a NIGHT OF WORSHIP. (Video)
Last Sunday my church hosted a Christmas night of worship.
As you know, prepping for a night of worship isn’t a “week-of” sort of thing. I’ve been planning for this for the past two months.
I’ve had planning meetings. I’ve gotten resources ready for my team. We’ve had rehearsals. The list goes on and on…
I’m a worship leader. Here are my 5 favorite Bible verses. (Video)
The longer I’ve led worship the more I’ve grown to love the Bible.
My normal morning routine is to wake up, make a cup of coffee, and read 10 chapters in the morning. (I use Professor Horner’s Bible Reading Plan if you were curious.)…
My simple system for picking songs for Sunday. (Video)
Worship leaders overcomplicate how they pick out songs for Sunday.
I used to spend the entire week trying to find the perfect songs that would match up with what my pastor was preaching on every Sunday.
Or I would try and coordinate all the songs around a common theme…
Why worship leaders are burning out (it doesn’t need to happen). (Video)
Worship leaders are tired.
Are you one of those tired worship leaders?
I remember at one point in my ministry when I was EXHAUSTED. There was always some new event to plan for at church. And it seemed like Sunday came every week…
Improve your worship leading by 52% by the end of the year. (Video)
Ever feel like you’re stuck in your worship leading and not improving?
You’re not growing musically. You’re not growing spiritually. It feels like you’re doing the same thing every single week.
There are 5 things I’ve done over my 18 years of worship leading that have allowed me to break out of a worship leading rut…
I always do THIS before leading worship at another church. (Video)
A few weeks ago I got a call on a Thursday from a local church that needed me to fill in for their worship leader.
As I rushed to prepare, I started thinking about all of the intricacies of leading worship at another church...
The most practical worship leading tip I have. (Use it this Sunday) (Video)
Earlier this week I realized one of the MOST PRACTICAL things I do every time I lead worship.
It was so small but so impactful that, while I didn’t even notice myself doing it, I constantly got comments from my team members about it.
This one, almost sub-conscious thing allows me to direct my church musically, model worship, and let my band know where I’m headed next in a song...
A step-by-step guide for opening your worship service. (Video)
One of the parts of worship leading that leaders struggle with the most is how to open their service.
It always seems awkward being the first person to have to say something...
5 ways to immediately improve your worship leading (Video)
There are 5 things you can do to immediately improve your worship leading this Sunday.
They aren’t hard to do and they don’t take much effort.
You just have to know about them and make the conscious effort to do them. And… voila! Better worship leading...
Quit being the only one who talks during your service. (Video)
Are you and your pastor the only ones who ever talk during your service?
You read all the Scripture. You pray all the prayers. You sing all the songs.
Your pastor leads some other prayers. Then he preaches.
… then you sing another song and then you pray and everyone goes home....
Let's review my Sunday livestream together! (Video)
The long awaited video is here!
Over my past 5 years on YouTube, people have constantly asked me: “Spencer, can we see YOU leading worship? Show us one of your services.”
And I’ve hesitated to do it because I’m not really convinced people want to see me lead worship...
I watched your church’s livestream. Here’s what I noticed. (Video)
I might have watched your livestream…
Every Sunday after church I get home, lay down on the couch, and pull up a bunch of churches’ livestreams.
I’ll spend an hour or so seeing what other churches are doing during their Sunday gatherings...
Eyes open or closed during worship? (Response to @Paulandmorgan) (Video)
I was scrolling on Instagram recently and ran across a clip from a fellow YouTuber.
He was talking about how he used to lead worship when he was growing up and one time his worship leader told him he should keep his eyes open.
As you know, I talk about keeping your eyes open while leading worship all the time. So I was interested in hearing what people had to say about it...